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Blog #8

In the book it says,"In-text citations let readers know that they can find full bibliographical information about your sources in the list of works cited at the end of your paper." Reading this passage helped me a lot since I haven't had to do much of this so far as an engineer major. I am not the best at writing and especially remembering how everything is supposed to fit in an MLA paper. In your first reference you are supposed to give the authors full name when the source is used, after you only have to put their last name. If you do not give the authors name in your sentence then it is important that you provide the name in parenthesis at the end of the sentence with the page number. It goes on further in the chapter to explain what to do with certain situations such as authors with the same name. The next section in the chapter explains how every MLA style paper needs a work cited page with a bibliography. The works cited should be at the end of your research paper on its own page.


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