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GENRE #1 : T-Shirt Design


S-Subject: shouldn't be your whole research project. Focus on one message or topic.

O-Occasion:time and place--context.

A-Audience: who is the text/genre for?

-Is it people in the community?

-Is it people you want to draw in?

-Is it people you want to reach out to?

P-Purpose: inform, persuade, entertain

S-Speaker: your "persona"

Tone- the way in which you say your message.



2) Play Book



Assigned Colors

Blue: Katrina Moore

Red: Mikayla 

Black: Erika

Green: Montse

Orange: Lauren


I put the flyers on 3 floors of my dorm in Degraff.


Project three proved to be the most challenging for me. It took me forever to figure out what my three genres would be. After brainstorming for the longest time and discussing it with Mat and my friend I finally figured it out. I decided the shirt because all sports can be expressed by a shirt. Even if it started out as a project for a class my team decided they liked the shirts and we are actually going to buy them for fall term. The play book used my old experience from my coach, like the 99 plays. Most of the plays are made by my team since having 4 v. 4 is way different than 7 v. 7. The flyers were the most difficult to make but I felt accomplished once I did. I posted them around my dorm because al lot of the freshman did not know about intramural sports. Overall this class was the first english class I enjoyed. I have never enjoyed english because of my dyslexia but this class was strictly about trying to help me and enjoying writing. I never felt nervous or judged.

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